Excellent app! Sync Folder Pro won over a few similar apps due to: Speed, transparency, accuracy, and customization (rMBP). Works for basics or for highly customizable advanced features. Love the scan speed and the dynamic “live” animated Menu icon with quick right-click options without having to dig into app Preferences. One thing this one has is flawless bi-directional scans between Mac and NAS drives (Buffalo & WDEX4 RAID). Also has option for the paranoid with immediate sync subject to edit in any app (I use it for txt. notes in FoldingText). The WD Sync that comes with NAS drive is okay for unidirectional (Mac to NAS) but not the other way resulting in multiple copies of txt following edits on mobile clients. My ChronoSync Scheduler app does awesome for timed sync but for constant monitoring bidirectional updates, Sync Folder is the king. Considering I paid equal or more for similar apps on App Store that turned out to be total duds (I suppose, donations to support budding programmers), this one is a steal. Sync Folder Pro consumes extremely trivial memory and while the interface is not Apple-lesque, it does the job flawlessly. A truly set-it-and-forget app. Excellent customer service too.
Tumkur Dude about
Sync Folders Pro, v3.2.7