Must have for large file transfers and backup
I have two really great needs for this product, and it performs very well. First, I’m a semi pro photographer. I capture anywhere from 500 to 1000 photos and file per session. I need to immediately import these from the camera and then duplicate the files on other drives. Sometime after reviewing, I realize some photo need to be deleted or modified. Rather than now try to find the same files on each drive, sync folders pro does it for me. It saves hours of work.
Second, I run a consulting business, where I take a data dump from the client, clean up the data and files and folders, introducing new engineerng on drawings. I copy this data structure across several drives for backup. I use sync folders pro to automate exactly which folders on each drive need to be compared and files replaced.
The author is very quick to respond to questions and very helpful.
Be sure to check the ? (help file) on the website so you understand what the different backup modes will do.
The interface is very simple, but it doesn’t need to be anything else. It does exactly what you think it should do, plus, you can add a icon to the status bar (up top) and see the syncs that are automated, or in-process.
My one bit of feedback would be to change the backup symbols to plain text or the option to change to symbols plus text so that I can be sure I selected the correct backup method.
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Sync Folders Pro